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Do the Hoola

The Benefit of adding a little Hoola and Twinkle into your life

The sun is finally shining and at last it feels like summer is truly here.

For me that means turning to new makeup items to update my tired old kit, full of heavier winter products that are looking a little worse-for-wear and overused, and seeking out new little gems to help give my skin a subtle summer sparkle.

That’s why I have fallen in love with the latest items from Benefit.

I was kindly sent the Hoola Lite Brozer, Hoola Quickie Contour Stick and Dandelion Twinkle to try – and already, I am hooked.

Let’s start with Hoola Lite. I feel naked when I don’t have a swipe of bronzer on my face but I’ll admit, I am guilty of getting a little too heavy handed with this on occasion, especially in the mornings when the light isn’t the best and I’m throwing my face on in a bid to get out the door and into the office some time before ten (we’re supposed to start at 9)!

With Hoola Lite, the colour is subtle and I have been just adding a light sweep across my face with the little brush provided. So far, so good – no one has told me my face is a different colour from my neck. They say honesty is the best policy but I’ve not appreciated that the few times I’ve been told this in the past. FYI ‘friends’.  My fault for using the wrong shade and texture before, but with Hoola Lite, I really feel the colour is subtle enough just to make me look alive and healthy, rather than Ross from Friends in THAT tan disaster episode.

Moving on… next up is the Hoola Quickie Contour Stick. Eh, hello pal – where have you been all my life?

Now, I have tried numerous contouring products with different success rates. The powder palettes just don’t work for me – I cannot get them to blend properly.

Next up I tried a three shade cream based palette, however, by the time I had applied all the lines, mirroring what it told you to do in the instructions, I looked more like an extra from the Lion King that a contour, kiss-ass Kardashian!

The Hoola Quickie Contour Stick does exactly what it says on the tin though, and with great success – it is a quickie solution to anyone who wants to add a little definition to their face.

I tend to contour for nights’ out and when I’m on television and this allows me to draw the lines under my cheekbones, around my face and down my nose in record time, then blend into my foundation. I use a brush for this but have also used my finger and it too is pretty effective. As the stick is light in texture, the liquid blends easily and provides subtle definition that I have never been able to achieve before. Win.

Last, but by no means least; the little box of joy that is Dandelion Twinkle. This gorgeous, soft highlighter has become my new favourite thing and I have been wearing it daily – with just one light brush over my cheeks and down my nose. Then, for evenings, I have upped this, adding a couple more layers and dotting is above my cupid’s bow. It truly makes me feel like I have been at a makeup artist and I love the dewy glow it achieves on my skin. It’s been everywhere with me in the past week and will continue to be a staple in my getting ready routine for the foreseeable future.

Step into summer with the latest Benefit beauty delights – you, and your face, won’t regret it.

Hoola lite,  £24.50

Hoola quickie contour stick, £23.50

Dandelion twinkle, £24.50 



Words by Laura Boyd

Categories: A-Listers